22nd June 2024

With the approach of summer, the woes of Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden were discussed, while Donald Trump has his own legal troubles and more to follow, Hunter Biden is defending a prosecution in Delaware charged with 3 counts, possession of a Revolver, declaring that he wasn’t a drug user and illegally having the gun for 11 days. Greg Hughes raised the point of the evidence being circumstantial, Gunn believing that the 12th October 2018 may have some relevance for the jury in considering the evidence, in light of the discovery of the revolver days later in the glove compartment of his truck by his ex-girlfriend, previous wife of his deceased brother Beau. Seamus Gunn thought the prosecution would have to establish that he was under the influence on the date of the acquisition, while the Defence claimed that he had come out of rehab and was clean at that time. The events as described by Hallie Biden, disposing of it after she panicked, putting it into a shopping bag, going to a grocery store and throwing it in a rubbish bin only for it to be discovered by an 80-year-old senior citizen who was seeking out recyclables in the bin were bizarre in the extreme. It was also worth remarking that there had been a Plea Bargain between the parties to deal with this matter and also a Tax Charge to be tried later in the year but that this collapsed without any explanation, as far as he was aware in the public domain. In the meantime, President Biden, who was on D-Day commemoration ceremonies in France, stated that he will not pardon his son, if convicted. A verdict to follow on this within days. 

Since our broadcast, it is noted that Hunter Biden was convicted on the 11th June on all 3 counts, with sentencing to follow.